Tom T. Sasquatch believes alleged "people" may exist
Fred Vanderbilt dreams of being a dippity sheriff
Lula Vanderbilt dances to a hog song she wrote
LulaFred dreams of being a college cheerleader
Debra Hodel hails from New Joisey
Grace Goodman discusses two types of people
Granny Gossop goes to church for a reason
Okie Tex recognizes a girl who may have dumped his friend
Ralph P. Ready is always . . .. not what you're thinking
Helen Hatemen emulates her last name
Goose talks about cold cash and a mysterious Ones guy
Flora Jean heads up beauty shop panel discussions
Lew Landy, Jekyl and Hyde cooperate for an interview
Henry Pepper's wedding cake gave him life-long indigestion
Fran Fox wears her clothes out but seldom more than once
Lilah Lambert epitomizes low self esteem
Vera Valentine employs herself giving advice
Ellie P wants to be a country and western sanger
Pickfish Packer's intention is to figure out women and fish
Bereaving Sandy gets surprise visit from dead Grandpappy
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